Monster Media 1995 #13
Monster Media No. 13 (Fourth Quarter 1995)(Monster Media, Inc.).ISO
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File List
67 lines
I:\SYNCRNET\AMTRX_12.ZIP AMTRX_12.ZIP 'SYSOP' Matrix Login v1.2. Random selection of up to
!>15 different LightBar Matrixes! Fully
!>configurable Display positioning let's you
!>create your own Matrixes!
I:\SYNCRNET\ANUV_10.ZIP ANUV_10.ZIP 'SYSOP' New User Voting v1.0. The Best NUV System.
!>SysOp configurable.
I:\SYNCRNET\BAJA_203.ZIP BAJA_203.ZIP 'SYSOP' Baja v2.03. Module/Shell compiler for
!>Synchronet v2.2.
I:\SYNCRNET\BANG100B.ZIP BANG100B.ZIP 'SYSOP' Bang! Russian Roulette of Lottery door games.
I:\SYNCRNET\BIGBRO19.ZIP BIGBRO19.ZIP 'SYSOP' BigBro v1.9. Node Monitor for OS/2. The
!>start of a PM WFC screen with local logons,
!>spawn SCFG, and stats all form the OS/2
I:\SYNCRNET\BLKLST15.ZIP BLKLST15.ZIP 'SYSOP' User Blacklister v1.5. Easy To Install.
I:\SYNCRNET\DBUL122.ZIP DBUL122.ZIP 'SYSOP' Domain Bulletins v1.22. Logon bulletins
!>supports up to 99 bulletins in.RIP, .ASC
!>and.ANS format.
I:\SYNCRNET\DFAX102.ZIP DFAX102.ZIP 'SYSOP' Domain FAX v1.02. Multi-user capable FAX on
!>demand. Also allows users to upload files.
I:\SYNCRNET\DICE152.ZIP DICE152.ZIP 'SYSOP' Domain DiceWar v1.52. Multi-player,
!>interactive dice game.
I:\SYNCRNET\DPOK142.ZIP DPOK142.ZIP 'SYSOP' Domain Poker v1.42. 5 card draw,
!>multi-player, interactive poker game.
I:\SYNCRNET\FADVSR12.ZIP FADVSR12.ZIP 'SYSOP' Financial Analizer v1.3. Online financial
!>help for your users.
I:\SYNCRNET\FGWL2_0A.ZIP FGWL2_0A.ZIP 'SYSOP' FIGWALL v2.0a. Innovative and fully
I:\SYNCRNET\INST221.ZIP INST221.ZIP 'SYSOP' Domain InstaTeller v2.21. Instant account
!>upgrades! Allows users to purchase account
I:\SYNCRNET\MAGIC1_G.ZIP MAGIC1_G.ZIP 'SYSOP' Magic-Matrix 1g. Rotation Matrix Module.
!>Sysop initiated chat works when you hit
!>alt-c. Feedback option even by users not in
I:\SYNCRNET\NOTFY15E.ZIP NOTFY15E.ZIP 'SYSOP' Notifier v1.5e. Scrabble Turn notification
!>program. Game numbers shown.
I:\SYNCRNET\R2S.ZIP R2S.ZIP 'SYSOP' Renegade BBS to Synchronet BBS User
I:\SYNCRNET\SBBS22_W.ZIP SBBS22_W.ZIP 'SYSOP' Synchronet Win95/NT Utilities.
I:\SYNCRNET\SBE_121B.ZIP SBE_121B.ZIP 'SYSOP' SBBSecho v1.21eta. Fixes random import to
!>wrong subs bug.
I:\SYNCRNET\SHOP221.ZIP SHOP221.ZIP 'SYSOP' Domain Shopper v2.21. Online catalog
!>shopping! Allows users to order products
!>ONLINE using their credit card.
I:\SYNCRNET\SMGWLL01.ZIP SMGWLL01.ZIP 'SYSOP' SmegWall - Graffiti Wall. Includes source.
I:\SYNCRNET\STAG1B.ZIP STAG1B.ZIP 'SYSOP' Tagline Module. Users can create their own
!>taglines to be displayed during User Lists.
!>A great way for users to customize their
I:\SYNCRNET\SYEDT22A.ZIP SYEDT22A.ZIP 'SYSOP' Syncedit v2.2a. Full Screen Message Editor.
!>Features include full block editing,
!>internal message quoting, file functions,
!>preview, on-line help.
I:\SYNCRNET\SYSOP130.ZIP SYSOP130.ZIP 'SYSOP' Sysopis v1.30. Fully Functional Freeware.
I:\SYNCRNET\TAWALL.ZIP TAWALL.ZIP 'SYSOP' TA Wall v1.5. Completely free wall written
!>in BAJA. Features include: Sysop editing,
!>wall post packing, anonymous posting, user
!>download of post, definable menus.
I:\SYNCRNET\TBD103A.ZIP TBD103A.ZIP 'SYSOP' Beast's Domain v1.03a. Multi-player,
!>interactive, ANSI, real-time adventure game.
!>Supports up to 250 players.
I:\SYNCRNET\TUCMV200.ZIP TUCMV200.ZIP 'SYSOP' The Ultimate Command Modules v2.0. Easy CFG
!>File. Configuration Logon and Post Logon
!>Matrix, Security System, User Participation
!>Checker, more.